
Staff Training: The Federal Learning Account


The right to professional training has been in place since October 2022. The number of days that each employee is entitled to depends on the size of the employer and their sector. Non-profit organisations from CPs 337 and 329 should follow these rules: The right to training does not apply to organisations with fewer than 10 staff members. Organisations with 10 to 19 staff members should provide 1 day of training per year. Organisations with at least 20 staff members should provide 4 days per year since 2023 (rising to 5 days per year as of 2024). All employers are required to maintain an individual training record to keep track of the training staff have done and from 2024 this will be transferred into a Federal Learning Account to be updated quarterly. The platform won't be available until April 2024 so for now you can use your internal recording system. The FLA once it is up and running will be accessible to employers and employees. Last update 14 December 2023

Staff Training: The Federal Learning Account2023-12-14T13:16:27+00:00

Belgium Parliament adopts a vast package of new employment rules


There's a new employee right to disconnect. Organisations with more than 20 employees will need to update their work regulations before 31st January 2023, setting out the organisation's policy when it comes to using digital and communications tools outside of the regular working hours. Compressed hours have been a possibility for several years already, where you squeeze your 38 hours into 4 rather long days rather than 5. However, now a full-time employee is entitled to request compressed hours over 2 weeks rather than 1 (working more one week and less the second). This is specifically targeted at co-parenting situations but any employee can request it. As the employer you can refuse to grant the request but you will have to justify your refusal. Compressed hours can be reviewed and either renewed or stopped every 6 months. If you employ more than 20 staff you will have to set up a formal training plan for your team setting out their training objectives for the year(s) to come. This needs to be ready by end of March 2023. If you have between 10 and 19 employees you need to offer one day of training per [...]

Belgium Parliament adopts a vast package of new employment rules2022-10-24T16:07:27+00:00

Employees MUST work from home until 27 April 2022


Government guidelines published on 27 January 2022 extend the requirement to work from home until 27 April 2022 (as long as you can actuallydo your job from home). As before a maximum of 20% of employees can be present at any one time in the workplace. Arrêté royal modifiant l'arrêté royal du 28 octobre 2021 portant les mesures de police administrative nécessaires en vue de prévenir ou... (Moniteur belge, 27 janvier 2022, voir article 14)

Employees MUST work from home until 27 April 20222022-02-04T10:47:50+00:00

Get work permits faster


The Belgian authorities have recently taken a series of measures to speed up the work permit application process.   Last year the authorities introduced a single permit (permis unique in French, gecombineerde vergunning in Dutch) which combines the work and residence permits (managed by two different authorities). This was done to speed things up in the long run but in fact the effect was to dramatically increase the processing time. To address the delays the government has introduced two new measures:    First the ‘office des etrangers’ (OE) will received more staff – they suffer from a permanent shortage of staff which is one of the reasons for the lengthy waiting time.     Two, non-EU nationals who are awaiting a work permit renewal can continue to work as usual as long as the regional migration office has approved the renewal – while waiting for the OE’s approval the commune will give the employee a temporary right to reside in Belgium. Third country nationals who change employer can also work under the same arrangements as long as the regional migration service has approved the new employer application.     The national social security office) is in the process of developing [...]

Get work permits faster2020-04-26T11:53:31+00:00

Holding your General Assembly: New COVID-19 rules for companies and non-profits


Over the last weekend, the Belgian Minister of Justice Koen Geens, adopted a special decree to enable companies and associations registered in Belgium to meet their legal obligations with respect to their governance meetings which are generally legally required before 30 June each year. There are three options on the table: 1. Hold the General Assembly  on the date provided for by the statutes "in compliance with the quarantine measures". In other words, your GA  can take place electronically as long as members can exercise their right to vote and ask questions. 2. Postpone the meeting for up to 10 weeks after June 30 (deadline for holding GAs in general). 3. Allow your General Assembly to decide on the agenda points unanimously by written procedure. For more details see here:  

Holding your General Assembly: New COVID-19 rules for companies and non-profits2020-04-03T15:53:09+00:00

Unique training for Brussels based NGO leaders


Bringing the whole team with you  INTRODUCTION With hundreds of international NGOs and Association Secretariats, Brussels is the most INGO crowded city in Europe. Collaborative groups across NGOs regularly share knowledge, skills and competencies to increase their impact and be more effective while reaching their organisational goals. But how often to NGO leaders come together for training and peer learning? Although fora exist where challenges can be aired and advice sought there are no formal learning spaces. This session is designed to address this gap. We have created this first-ever formal opportunity for you to learn, collaborate and support each other in improving your organisational systems and people management skills. In this first session we will identify common people management challenges for NGO leaders and explore, through Problem Based Learning, how to manage them. THE METHOD: Problem Based Learning (PBS) is based in the idea that there is no one single solution to a real-life problem, enhancing the importance of creativity, exploration, and engagement with the issues. It is distinct in the way it allows an approach to problem solving through defining the problem, critical thinking, brainstorming, collaboration and group communication around real life problems. REGISTRATION: This session is [...]

Unique training for Brussels based NGO leaders2020-05-05T15:12:56+00:00

Have you paid too much in employer social contributions?


According to Acerta, around 4% of employees are entitled to an ONSS reduction that is not applied. The average amount that could be recovered through this reduction is €2200. Hopefully you still have time to get your old ONSS reductions back! Acerta explains all about how employers can benefit from a range of subsidies for their employees. Read the article (Only available in FR). — Source: Acerta

Have you paid too much in employer social contributions?2019-03-15T16:38:15+00:00

WLTP: What to know about the new car consumption test


The WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure) is a new compulsory test procedure for cars, which will lead to an overall increase in a car’s carbon emission value. This will have a knock on effect on the circulation tax, the calculation of the benefit in kind, the deductibility of cars expenses from corporate income tax and the carbon solidarity contribution. Read more about the WLTP (Only available in FR and NL). — Source: SD Worx

WLTP: What to know about the new car consumption test2019-03-15T16:40:15+00:00

New per diem conditions


Since 1st September 2017, the per diem amounts and conditions for federal employees have significantly changed. This matters as many employers in the private and non-profit sector use these amounts for their own employees. It was confirmed recently that the new amounts and conditions also apply. Read more here (Only available in FR). — Source: SD Workx

New per diem conditions2019-03-15T16:40:57+00:00

“Cash for car” allowance now available


The law introducing the mobility (or cash for car) allowance came into force in May 2018. Employees with a company car that they can also use for private use can now give it back and get paid more instead without this income being treated by the tax and social security authorities as regular salary. The mobility allowance is calculated on the basis of the returned vehicle's catalogue value and benefits from a favourable fiscal and social regime. Read more about mobility allowance (Only available in FR and NL). — Source: SD Worx

“Cash for car” allowance now available2019-03-15T17:07:53+00:00