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New Corona bonus of 500 euros


The federal government is proposing that companies that did well during the 2020 pay their employees a non-compulsory "corona bonus" of up to 500 euros net in the form of checks along the line of the eco checks and lunch voucher model. They will have a short validity so that the money is spent quickly in local shops. The amount of 500 euros is a maximum. The bonus will be granted in the year 2021. The actual list of stores and organizations where you can spend your corona reward is yet to be determined. "The idea is that people will be able to use it for everyday expenses, like shopping at the supermarket."  The issuers of these checks last year were the classic meal ticket providers: Sodexo, Edenred and Monizze.  Sources HR Alert 

New Corona bonus of 500 euros2021-05-19T13:42:43+00:00

Return to the office in June; Working from home no longer compulsory


Beginning June 9, you will be able to progressively schedule comeback sessions for up to 20% of your staff at the same time. Each employee will be able to come to work once a week. For SMEs with fewer than 10 employees, a maximum of 5 employees can be present at the same time. Corona tests are recommended but not compulsory.  As of July 1, working from home will no longer be required, but "recommended" for anyone whose job allows it.  There are several conditions to respect for this return to work:  First, the purpose of the return is to promote the psycho-social well-being of the employees and the team spirit ; Employees cannot be obliged to participate in these progressive returns;  The employer has to ensure that the rules on social distancing, hygiene measures, ventilation, etc.. are respected;  It is best to avoid car-sharing or using public transport during peak hours for the home to work journeys. Sources SD Worx

Return to the office in June; Working from home no longer compulsory2021-05-19T10:36:01+00:00

Corona tips: Appropriate ventilation at low cost


The pandemic has reminded everyone of the importance of good ventilation and airing rooms. But what policies do you need to put in place as an employer to minimise the risk of infection in the workplace? The Corona Commission has produced a handy guide to indoor air quality including tips, a step-by-step plan and a checklist.  To limit the risk of contamination through poor air quality, the main objective is to ensure sufficient ventilation in all rooms (opening windows and doors) and to take corrective measures in rooms where ventilation is clearly insufficient. The detailed recommendations, info about the relevance of CO2 concentration and how to measure it are available in French here: Sources HR Alert

Corona tips: Appropriate ventilation at low cost2021-05-11T09:48:21+00:00

Five reasons you should invest in training your team


Employee retention: training employees to fit organisation roles creates opportunities to retain motivated employees who already know your organisation’s culture, have knowledge and experience of your organisation, and also know its history; Reduced recruitment costs: investing in employees increases loyalty and interest in the job so they stay longer; Good PR and attraction of top talent: Top employees want to stay the best and continue to develop throughout their career. These people are looking for organisations that want to invest in them; Business resilience and sustainability: continuous and permanent training keeps your teams in tune with a constantly changing world, making your organisation dynamic and competitive;  Gaining a competitive edge: by scheduling the right training based on your company's results, you put your organisation ahead.  Sources Developed by SD Worx 

Five reasons you should invest in training your team2021-05-10T13:47:10+00:00

Back to the office in June? Get ready now


According to Attentia, staff working from home will be able to gradually return to the workplace starting in June. Start preparing now so you can be safe and efficient.  Two main focus points:  The number of employees in the office If everyone returns to the workplace at the same time, it probably won’t be possible to maintain sufficient distance and air quality. Coordinate among your team, set up a rota and make sure everyone knows the rules. It may be useful to provide CO2 meters in frequently used areas. This provides an objective, real-time estimate of whether the ventilation capacity is sufficient for the number of employees present. Psychosocial aspects  For many employees, returning to work will be a welcome change. Some employers have identified "home working fatigue" among their employees. For some staff members, however, the physical return to work will be a stressful event. They may be afraid of being infected by a colleague or not looking forward to the commute. Good preparation and communication about preventive measures taken can alleviate many concerns, as can clear guidelines for the employees themselves; such as keeping your distance, wearing a mouth mask, etc. Progressive adaptation is key.  [...]

Back to the office in June? Get ready now2021-04-27T13:41:08+00:00