Belgium Parliament adopts a vast package of new employment rules
Louise2022-10-24T16:07:27+00:00There's a new employee right to disconnect. Organisations with more than 20 employees will need to update their work regulations before 31st January 2023, setting out the organisation's policy when it comes to using digital and communications tools outside of the regular working hours. Compressed hours have been a possibility for several years already, where you squeeze your 38 hours into 4 rather long days rather than 5. However, now a full-time employee is entitled to request compressed hours over 2 weeks rather than 1 (working more one week and less the second). This is specifically targeted at co-parenting situations but any employee can request it. As the employer you can refuse to grant the request but you will have to justify your refusal. Compressed hours can be reviewed and either renewed or stopped every 6 months. If you employ more than 20 staff you will have to set up a formal training plan for your team setting out their training objectives for the year(s) to come. This needs to be ready by end of March 2023. If you have between 10 and 19 employees you need to offer one day of training per [...]